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Parents Survival Guide to School Closures Amid Coronavirus

It’s your first week of working at home with your kids while schools are shut down due to the global coronavirus pandemic and you’re looking for things to keep you and your family productive.

Working while the kids are home can be distracting. It’s important to keep your children occupied and on track with their schoolwork. With the kids focused on staying productive, you can get all your assignments finished on time as if you were working in the office.

Here are a few resources that have helped parents at stay productive and sane.

1. Develop A Schedule/Routine

The most important thing parents should do while schools are closed is create a schedule or routine. It’s important to emulate a school-like environment by putting a set schedule in place that your children can follow to keep track of what activities they should be doing.

Include activities like reading, math, physical education and art into a set routine so children can continue to build the habit of staying productive throughout the week while you get your work done.

Here’s a sample schedule you can follow:

  • 08:00 AM to 08:30 AM – Reading
  • 08:30 AM to 09:00 AM – Math
  • 09:00 AM to 09:30 AM – P.E.
  • 09:30 AM to 10:00 AM – Recess/Snacks/Free Time
  • 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM – Educational Apps
  • 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM – Journal/Writing practice
  • 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM – Lunch and 2nd Recess
  • 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM – Art
  • 01:30 PM to 02:00 PM – Clean up

2. Use Free Educational Apps

In the age of information and technology, many people leverage their phones, tablets and computers for entertainment, learning and getting things done.

Kill two birds with one stone by downloading fun educational apps to keep children entertained while learning.

Here are a handful of other resources you could leverage at no cost:

For additional resources, HuffPosts and created a list of resources that can be used for learning and staying entertained.

3. Get Outside

When you’ve spent a great deal of time indoors, it can take a toll on a person’s sanity. It’s important to take breaks throughout the workday to get outside and get active while communities are staying at home to minimize pandemic outbreak.

Take a walk, ride a bike or do something active with your children after a couple hours of work somewhere close to your home. While it’s important to practice social distancing, families can still take a stroll around the block or engage in sporty activities right in front of their home or in their backyards. Make sure to avoid parks or other areas where communities can congregate to prevent spread.

4. Leverage Remote Lifesavers Like and Google Docs

When working from home, digital tools become the primary resource for staying connected to the rest of the workforce.

Not only can you use digital resources like to hold audio and video conferences, you can leverage project management tools, like Google Docs, Slack and Asana, to collaborate with your team while working from home. Additionally, you can use these same tools to build a digital network with your family to stay on top of all the activities your family engages with.

5. Set up a virtual playdate

Kids are already missing their friends from school. With today’s technology, it’s easier than ever to schedule a virtual playdate for children.

With students everywhere staying home due to school closures, parents should contact other parents to set time for their children to hang out with other children online using video conferencing tools.

A platform like that allows video conferencing and screen sharing can enhance the experience by allowing children to play games and share digital drawings with one another. You’ll be surprised with how intuitive children are when it comes to learning to use digital technology.

6. Enjoy Quality Time with Your Kids

Time spent with family are cherished moments in life that bring happiness and lead to lasting memories. Use this opportunity to spend time with the kids and do activities that bring joy.

Here’s a short list of things you can do with children:

7. Workout from home with your children

Staying in shape while staying at home can be tough, but it can be made fun when exercising with your children.

Working out is easily one of the most rewarding activities when the state of society is normal. It becomes even more important when fighting off viruses and diseases. Prioritize working out with your children to keep the family healthy and their immune system strong.

Many gyms and fitness magazines like Planet Fitness and Shape have put together resources that people can use to stay in shape while people are stuck at home.

Here are some suggestions for exercise activities made especially for families with:

While you’re stuck at home with your kids, stay productive by leveraging these tips. These ideas can help you keep focused on your work while your children are being educated and entertained throughout the work week.





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