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A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Write a Winning Resume

A good resume can help you stand out during the hiring process and help you land your perfect job. Resume writing can be easy. By learning what to look for in a good resume, you’ll be able to craft a strong, persuasive resume of your own. 

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create an effective resume using a simple step-by-step process.

Step 1: List your skills and experiences.

Your skills and experiences are the most important part of your resume. Start by simply listing everything you can.

When listing your skills, include both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are specific, tangible skills. You could list your experience with certain software programs, demonstrated ability to interpret data or certificates you hold. Think about anything you’ve been trained to do-if it requires certain training and experience, it counts as a hard skill. Soft skills are interpersonal skills. Teamwork, communication, adaptability, and time management are good examples.
Always include your longest held job, even if the job isn’t related to the one you’re applying for. Employers are generally impressed with resumes that show dedication and long-term commitment.

If you lack work experience, highlight your educational experiences. You can demonstrate discipline, self-management and other impressive skills when describing your education and extracurricular activities.

Step 2: Gather your personal information. 

List your contact info above your skills and experiences. This information will be the first thing employers will see.

Correct contact information is absolutely necessary. If you’re updating an existing resume, double check your contact information.

Add an email address that looks professional. One with your first name and the initial of the first letter of your last name works well.

List only one phone number and one email to avoid confusion.

Step 3: Write an introduction.

This section is also known as your professional summary. It briefly summarizes your objectives and qualifications as an applicant.

Update your professional summary for each job you apply to so employers know whether your goals fit with theirs. A tailored resume will perform better than a general, catch-all resume. Consider including the company name or job title in the introduction. Employers will appreciate the effort put in to personalize your resume.

Step 4: Edit for Tone and Clarity

Your skills and experiences could sound much more impressive with the right words. For your resume, you want to maintain a professional tone. Use a thesaurus to search for more descriptors that elevate the language on a page and show your expertise in a given field.

You’ll likely want to also include jargon specific to the position you’re applying for, showing your experience and familiarity in the field.

For example, something like this: 

“Cashier experience – I can use a cash register” 
….could instead look like this:

“Cashier Proficiency – experience utilizing point-of-sale systems and ensuring customer satisfaction.” 

When using a thesaurus, always check a new word’s meaning with a dictionary. Sometimes synonyms have different contexts and may not be applicable.

A Google search can help you find inspiration for professional writing. Try searching keywords like “cashier resume examples” or “accountant resume.”

Step 5: Formatting 

Hiring managers look at hundreds of resumes. You want your resume to be straightforward and easy to distinguish.

Limit your resume to one page. Your potential manager likely doesn’t have the time to read multiple pages. Only very experienced professionals with a long job history and various qualifications should go over one page–and even then, they might consider condensing their experience.

Make your name and phone number the most immediately noticeable element on the page. This is a simple design suggestion that makes your resume stand out and easy for an employer to find information about how to reach you. 

Step 6: Pick a layout. 

After formatting your resume in a way that highlights your qualifications, you’ll want to pick a layout that compliments that formatting. Mindful organization will help your employer read and digest your information easier.

While colors and animations could be attractive for creative projects, you may want to steer clear for resume purposes unless those elements reveal more about your skill set in relation to the position.

A template is an easy way to give your resume an eye-catching layout. You could use a free template included with GoogleDocs or Word or purchase and download a template you find online. Because templates are made to be generic, not all of them will work with your information.

As you write your resume, consult examples online to get a feel for the tone of your writing. Consider asking a friend to see their resume and ask what methods they used to create it. Bookmark these resume tips for later, and good luck!

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