FreeConferenceCall Blog

How to Customize your Lobby Page is one of our newest offerings! It is a great tool for online meetings presentations, webinars, training sessions and much more.

What makes unique is its ability to have a fully customizable lobby landing page. It is a ‘one stop’ location where attendees can access important meeting resources and documents.

Customizing your lobby page is easy! First, log into your account or sign up for one by clicking here. Once you have logged in, click on the tab titled ‘Lobby Manager’. Customizable features that are available include:

  • Headshot
  • Company Information
  • Logo
  • Meeting Title
  • Documents and links

Once you have personalized your lobby, click the ‘Lobby Preview’ tab to view what your page will look like to your attendees. After previewing your page, did you realize you used the wrong logo? You can change any of the customizable features during preview by scrolling over the area you wish to change and click to edit.

The lobby page is an optional feature.  You are welcome to customize all features or none at all.

For more information on everything offers, go to our support page, call customer service at 877.482.5838 (1-562-437-1411 if calling outside the US) or send an email to

Check back next week for an in-depth post with screen shots describing all of these features!

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