FreeConferenceCall Blog

Ask the Expert: How to Boost Sales Using

By Cristina Varela 

Yvette King at

You might not know her name. But if you’ve gone to a Mary Kay show recently, you’d definitely recognize her face. Yvette King is our trade show manager at, and she’s been at every Mary Kay Seminar and Mary Kay Leadership show for the past five years. Since Yvette won’t be able to make it to Atlanta in January (see photo for explanation), I thought we should at least benefit from her wisdom. So I sat down with our resident expert to learn more about our Mary Kay customers and how they can boost sales and better support their businesses using our service.

Describe the relationship that Mary Kay ladies have with 

Well, first let me just say that I love each and every relationship I’ve personally created while at Seminar and Leadership, and I’ll definitely miss you all this upcoming January!

Mary Kay users are long-time loyal customers. Year after year, ladies stop by the booth to see what’s new and exciting. There are so many legacy users who we appreciate having on board. It’s always great to hear about how they spread the word to new prospects. I frequently speak with up-and-coming directors that are eager to learn more about our features — they know is the best tool to connect with their unit.

Many of the women have expressed to me that their consultants are located statewide. helps them keep consultants current on new products as well as give important trainings and meetings.

Overall, has an awesome relationship with Mary Kay. It’s always fun to see familiar faces at the shows and meet new ones, as well as hear how our features help them to grow and expand their unit.

So which features are most helpful for Mary Kay ladies?

  1. Recording. I would say that all of our features are helpful for MK ladies, but many really rely on the recording feature. Audiovisual recordings are particularly helpful for creating training tools or presentations for prospects. Directors often share that they record create initial training videos (such as first steps and adoptee etiquette) — this feature is an invaluable timesaver every time someone inquires about joining. Of course, the recording feature is also handy if someone in your unit can’t make a meeting. It’s great for women on the go because they are able to catch up on their own time and not miss important information.
  2. Video Chat. Video is also a major plus for Mary Kay ladies. It’s the next best thing to a face-to-face meeting — and, of course, it’s free. When prospects are in other states or even in other countries, video conferencing helps these ladies connect and hold an engaging group meeting. I’d add that our mobile app also allows you to host video conferences from anywhere — and basically makes life that much easier. just introduced a new app. 

Bullhorn blends the world of professional business with a social audio component. It’s a new, free mobile app that allows users to broadcast to large groups of people. Users just create a profile and can immediately broadcast, group chat with followers and organize events.

Mary Kay directors can boost sales by hosting meetings, lectures, conference calls, and even sending pre-recorded messages for current consultants and prospects. Like, Bullhorn also offers features like calendar invites, notifications, and other details.

Bullhorn is also a social and recreational app. Directors and consultants can find their favorite motivational speaker, podcaster, or radio show and listen to them on their phone via Bullhorn without data charges. The app will be available for download by the time Leadership comes around and that is really something to be excited about!

What are the most common questions you’ve heard?

There are a few common questions I receive but I definitely want to mention our Web Control feature. Many ladies don’t know about it yet this tool is extremely useful. It allows hosts to control the call through the app or computer. With Web Controls, you can mute individual participants — and that’s a question I get asked often.

Other common questions include: How do I login to my account? How can I access my information? How do I record? Do I need a new number each time I host a meeting? These are all great questions and you can find answers to FAQs here or on our Support pages. And of course our team is always available to provide a quick demo on features or on how to use the app for the ladies who stop by the booth.

What’s your favorite part of attending the show?

My favorite part of attending the show is meeting with each lady and playing just a small part in supporting their success. I love seeing familiar faces each year and catching up with old friends and hearing how has helped grow their unit. And like many people, I can be forgetful — and I know there is a lot of information to retain on how our service works. So I like to direct the ladies to our website for training videos.

In fact, I’m in contact with some of the ladies throughout the year. One friend calls me all the time (you know who you are), and several ladies email me with questions. I love it, because it just shows that we’ve built a good relationship. They feel comfortable just being like “Hey, how are you? Can you help me?” And yes, I’d love to.

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