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Are You Using the Highest Rated Conferencing Software?

By Bob Wise, President at Communication is the lifeblood of any business. The statistics are staggering: 69% of people in large organizations using conferencing on a weekly basis and 22% are using it daily, according to a recent survey by Wainhouse Research. With mobile workforces becoming more commonplace, choosing the best technology to connect your employees is crucial. Conferencing can help win new customers and keep projects on task, so there’s no room to tolerate poor quality or unreliable services. Oftentimes, decision makers have the false perception that if there’s no charge, the services can’t be good. But For Business has proven that’s not the case. Our conferencing and collaboration users have named us “High Performer”, as reported in these groundbreaking reports released this week. High Marks Straight from Our Users G2 Crowd, a leading business software review platform, released their Winter 2016 G2 Crowd GridSM reports for web conferencing and VoIP. Not only were we named the High Performer for Web Conferencing and VoIP, but we earned the highest overall satisfaction score. For more information and to see how we stacked up against other providers, you can read the news here: G2 Crowd Grid for VoIP and G2 Crowd Grid for Web Conferencing. Another validation of our services came in an article posted on CIOReview by Chuck Rehberg, CTO at Trigent Software, Inc., titled “Technology Drivers for IT Services (Past, Present and Future).” He lists the economic and technological forces that have opened up IT services today and will drive new processes and innovations in the future. One of the three areas he identifies are “technology-enabled outsourced IT services”, which includes communication services for virtual meetings. was one of the few services he says he regularly uses for those meetings that can’t happen face to face. As Rehberg says, “Technology is making individual team members more productive,” and conferencing and collaboration tools are two platforms enabling that. The Best Kind of Review For Business is dedicated to building high-quality, reliable conferencing services for businesses of all sizes at a fraction of the cost offered by other providers. As you can see from these just-released software reviews, we’re able to do just that without sacrificing a simple user experience. In my mind, this is the best testament to the fact that we’re hitting the mark by offering mission-critical technology at the most disruptive prices. The old adage, “You get what you pay for,” is quickly becoming obsolete. Time and again, our services are de-bunking these myths, making “low cost” and “high-quality” synonymous. 


Bob Wise, President at


  Bob Wise, President at the third largest conferencing and collaboration company in the U.S. and one of the top five in the world with more than 800,000 business customers connecting via conference calls and online meetings in more than 180 countries.





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